1. Pediatric Potpourri®: State of the Art 2017 11.02.-17.02.2017. Hawaii, United States
2. Seha International Pediatrics Conference 2017 16.02.-18.02.2017. Abu Dhabi, UAE http://menaconference.com/events/sehaipc/
3. N&G 2017 – Nutrition and Growth in peadiatric group 02.03.-04.04.2017. Amsterdam, Nizozemska http://2017.nutrition-growth.kenes.com
4. AEPC 2017 — 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology Dates 29.03.-01.04.2017. Lyon, Francuska http://www.aepc2017.org/en/
1. Pediatric Potpourri®: State of the Art 2016 06.02.-12.02.2016. Hawaii, United States http://www.childrenshospitallamedicalgroup.org/atf/cf/%7B8F2D32BB-B836-4AD2-ABB7-
2. CIP 2016 The 5th Global Congress for Consensus in Pediatrics & Child Health 03.03.- 06.03.2016. Xi’an Kina http://2016.cipediatrics.org/
3. CoPedia – The 3rd World Congress on Controversies in Pediatrics 31.03.-03.04.2016. Barcelona, Španjolska http://congressmed.com/copedia/