1. Pediatric Potpourri®: State of the Art 2016 06.02.-12.02.2016. Hawaii, United States http://www.childrenshospitallamedicalgroup.org/atf/cf/%7B8F2D32BB-B836-4AD2-ABB7-
2. CIP 2016 The 5th Global Congress for Consensus in Pediatrics & Child Health 03.03.- 06.03.2016. Xi’an Kina http://2016.cipediatrics.org/
3. CoPedia – The 3rd World Congress on Controversies in Pediatrics 31.03.-03.04.2016. Barcelona, Španjolska http://congressmed.com/copedia/
4. 10th Annual Update in Paediatric Emergencies 2016 08.04.-10.04.2016. Noosa, Australia http://www.colloquium.com.au/noosa/preview/
5. RCPHC Annual Conference 26.04.-28.04.2016. Liverpool, Velika Britanija http://www.rcpch.ac.uk/events/annual-conference
6. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, 30.04.-03.05.2016. Baltimore, Maryland, USA http://www.pas-meeting.org/future/
7. ESPID 2016 — 34rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases 10.05.-14.05.2016. Brighton, Velika Britanija http://espid2016.kenes.com/
8. PENS - Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society 12.05.-15.05.2016. Denver, Colorado, USA http://www.pens.org/Pages/default.aspx
9. Immunology 2016 – American Association of Immunologist Annual Meeting 13.05.-17.05.2016. Seattle, USA http://www.immunology2016.org/
10. ESPGHAN - 49th Annual Meeting of The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition 25.05. – 28.05.2016. Atena, Grčka http://www.espghan.org/
11. AEPC 2016 — 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for European Paediatric and Congenital Cardiology Dates 01.06.-04.06.2016. Rim, Italija http://www.aepc2016.org/
12. EAP — The European Academy of Paediatrics 2016 Spring Meeting, 03.06.- 05.06.2016. Dublin, Irska http://eapaediatrics.eu/spring2016.ehtml
13. EULAR 2016 – The European League Against Rheumatism, 08.06.-11.06.2016., London, Velika Britanija, http://www.congress.eular.org/
14. EAACI – European Academy of allergy and clinical Immunology 11.06.-15.06.2016. Beč, Austrija http://www.eaaci.org/
15. INAC – 2nd International Neonatology Association Conference 15.06.-17.06.2016. Beč, Austrija http://2016.worldneonatology.com/
16. CIPP XV International Congress on Pediatrics Pulmonology 23.06.-26.06.2016. Napulj, Italija http://www.cipp-meeting.org/en/registration/welcome
17. IPA 2016 - 28th International Congress of Pediatrics 17.08.-22.08.2016. Vancouver, Kanada http://www.ipa2016.com/
18. ESPE – 55th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology 10.-12.09.2016. Pariz, Francuska http://www.espe2016.org/
19. ESPEN – The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism 17.09.-20.09.2016. Copenhagen, Danska http://www.espen.org/congress
20. SIOP - 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology 19.10.-22.10.2016. Dublin, Irska http://siop-online.org/event/siop-2016/
21. EAPS – 6th Congress of the European Academy of Peadiatric Societies 21.10.-25.10.2016. Geneva, Švicarska http://www.paediatrics.kenes.com/ *
22. ESPNIC — 27th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care 21.10.-25.10.2016. Geneva, Švicarska http://www.tradeindia.com/TradeShows/56240/ESPNIC-2016.html http://espnic.kenes.com/ *
23. EIP - Excellence in Pediatrics - biti će najavljeno naknadno
*Joint Scientific and Educational Event of EAP, ESPNIC and ESPR
CIP 2016 - Xi’an Kina 03.03.-06.03.2016.
Ponuda letova već od 6.862,00 kn : 29.02. Zagreb – Amsterdam – Shanghai ; 02.03. Shanghai - Xi’an ;
06.03. Xi’an – Shanghai – Amsterdam – Zagreb
Ponuda hotela Shanghai 29.02.-02.03. širi centar grada hotel 3* RO – već od 550,00 kn po osobi
Ponuda hotela Xi’an 02.03.-06.03. širi centar grada hotel 4* RO – već od 1100,00 kn po osobi
IPA 2016 - Vancouver Kanada 17.08.-22.08.2016.
Ponuda letova već od 6.965,00 kn : 17.08.-22.08. Zagreb – Munich – Vancouver – Munich - Zagreb
Ponuda hotela Vancouver 17.08.-22.08. širi centar grada hotel 3* BB – već od 3660,00 kn po osobi